AI generated beer commercial goes viral over otherworldly characters

This is an AI generated image of people drinking beer  in the streets of Europe

A beer advertisement created by artificial intelligence (AI) is currently gaining popularity on Twitter, but it highlights the significant limitations of text-to-video AI systems.

While it is debatable if the world has eagerly anticipated such a creation, the AI-generated beer ad has made its presence known. However, rather than enticing viewers to indulge in a cold beer, the 30-second clip is more unsettling, featuring uncontrollable fire and unsettling facial distortions.

Dubbed "Synthetic Summer," this AI-generated ad was shared on April 30 by Twitter user @OnlyBangers.eth and quickly garnered over five million views within three days. The ad was the brainchild of Helen Power and Chris Boyle, who are associated with the London production company

This demonstrates that text-to-video AI systems still have a long way to go before they can replicate human creativity and produce captivating and appealing content.

AI created personas drinking beer.

The clip portrays a garden party where young people are enjoying themselves, laughing, and drinking beer, similar to other beer advertisements. A barbecue is also featured, accompanied by the song "All Star" by Smash Mouth playing in the background. However, astute viewers will quickly realize that something is amiss.

The beer mugs, cans, and bottles within the clip occasionally appear distorted and merge into one another. Furthermore, the proportions seem off, lacking consistency. The individuals depicted in the video possess cartoonish features and exaggerated characteristics. Their mouths are overly large, and their laughter feels forced and artificial.

As the clip nears its conclusion, chaos ensues. The grill fire spirals out of control, leading to explosions and disturbing scenes that deviate from the initial message of fun and instead resemble a terrifying apocalypse. According to Ars Technica, this unique clip was crafted using Runway's new Gen 2 AI model, enabling the creation of short video clips using text prompts.

"Like family, but with more cheese"

Twitter user @Pizza_Later presents yet another peculiar example of AI-generated videos. This time, the video is for a fictional restaurant called "Pepperoni Hug Spot" and it is both amusing and unsettling, much like the beer commercial. The video showcases distorted human faces indulging in pizza, accompanied by clichéd advertisements and out-of-context platitudes that give it a comical vibe.

@Pizza_Later shares details about the tools utilized to create the clip. The script was generated by GPT-4, the still images were sourced from Midjourney, the video snippets were obtained from Runways Gen-2, and the audio file was provided by Eleven Labs. All of these elements were skillfully combined using Adobe After Effects. "The future is wild," @Pizza_Later remarks.

These pieces, created and put together by humans, demonstrate that generative AI has a lot of progress to make before it can truly mesmerize people with memes. These two AI clips demonstrate the functionality of text-to-video AI systems. However, it is evident that there is still a long way to go in terms of their development.


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